pose clinique




What is osteopathy

Le mot ostéopathie vient du grec, ostéon, « os » et, páthos, « maladie ».

Il s’agit d’une médecine à base de techniques manuelles ayant pour but de conserver ou restaurer la mobilité des différentes structures de l’organisme. Chaque corps a en lui la capacité d’auto guérison, avec laquelle l’ostéopathe va la guider vers son rétablissement. L’ostéopathe est formé pour prendre soin des patients et rediriger vers d’autres spécialistes, médicaux ou non, pour le bien être et la sécurité du patient.

3 pillars of treatment as developped by andrew taylor (1828 - 1917) father of osteopathy

manipulation of joints-spine

(Restores normal range of motion of vertebrae, ribs, articulations, etc)

visceral - organ manipulation (vt)

Releases tensions of the soft tissues that connect and surround the liver, colon, lungs, etc

craniosacral therapy (cst)

Triggers the body’s self-correcting mechanisms through micro-movements of the bones of the skull

our osteopath

Benoit Philippe


Before becoming an osteopath, Benoit first studied pharmacology , then worked as a first responder in Lyon, France. Benoit obtained his osteopath degree from L’Institut d’Ostéopathie de Lyon and has been licensed to practice osteopathy in Québec since 2011.

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Baptiste Georges

Osteopath D.O.

Graduated in 2012, Baptiste trained for 6 years at the Higher Institute of Osteopathy in Lyon (France), leading him to adapt his techniques according to the pattern, age and morphology of the person. He has been practicing in Quebec since 2017.

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Tiffany Archen

Osteopath D.O.

She is trained in fascial, visceral, cranial and also joint techniques. In addition to her initial training, she has done postgraduate training for the treatment of pregnant women (during pregnancy and then postpartum) as well as in pediatrics (from infants to adolescents).

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